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How to Create a REST API: Complete Guide and Best Practices

Written by is*hosting team | Sep 17, 2024 10:00:00 AM

REST APIs (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interfaces) have become the standard for web services, powering over 83% of all web APIs worldwide. These standards and conventions facilitate communication between clients and servers. Due to their scalability, simplicity, and statelessness, REST APIs are an excellent fit for modern web applications. With the rise of cloud computing and microservices, the demand for high-quality REST APIs has skyrocketed.

This guide will cover the fundamental techniques and best practices for creating robust, secure, and efficient REST APIs that deliver optimal performance and user satisfaction.

What is a REST API?

REST APIs (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interfaces) are rules and conventions for creating and interacting with web services. They enable communication between clients and servers using standard HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform operations on resources. These resources, typically represented as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) or XML, are identified by URLs, making REST APIs flexible and easy to integrate with different platforms. As the foundation of modern web applications, REST APIs enable data exchange and functionality across various systems.

REST API development provides a unified foundation for all applications built on top of it, opening the door for third-party developers and partners to create new features and integrations.

REST API development is:

  • Foundation: REST APIs are the core parts of an application.
  • Early and thoughtful design: REST APIs are designed early to ensure that they are functional, perform well, and can be reused.
  • Value: The API becomes a product for internal teams and external users.

The “API-first” approach differs from the traditional “code-first” approach. The “API-first” approach results in well-designed APIs that companies can use to build many applications and adapt to future needs.

When building robust and efficient REST APIs, following the basic principles of REST API design is essential, as discussed in the following section.

REST API Design Principles

In the following sections, we'll talk about the core principles of REST API design: RESTful architecture, resource-oriented design, and HTTP methods and status codes.

RESTful Architecture Fundamentals

The RESTful architecture aims to create scalable, reliable, and flexible Rest APIs based on a stateless, client-server communication model. A RESTful system makes scaling easy because each interaction between a client and a server is self-contained and does not store session information on the server. Uniform Resource Identifiers, or URIs, are used to identify resources such as data entities or services, and standard HTTP methods are used to perform API operations. Because of their simplicity and compliance with web standards, REST APIs are highly compatible and easily integrated with a wide range of systems and platforms.

Resource-Oriented Design

At the core of RESTful design is the idea of a resource-oriented architecture. The key components that an API can manipulate are resources. A URI uniquely identifies each resource and is typically represented in JSON format or as an XML object. Instead of executing actions or methods, the focus is on manipulating these resources. This method, in which each resource can be modified or deleted using the corresponding URI, encourages the development of a clear, consistent, and easy-to-use API design. This API design makes it easier for developers to understand and utilize.

HTTP Methods and Status Codes

HTTP methods are the basis of RESTful interactions, defining the type of operation to be performed on a resource. REST APIs inform clients of the outcome of a request using HTTP response status codes, also known as response statuses.

In total, HTTP defines 40 standard status codes divided into 5 categories:



1xx: Information

This section contains headers that inform about the progress of the transfer. This is usually a provisional response, which begins with a blank line and consists only of the Status-Line and optional headers. No headers are required. 

2xx: Success

This class of status codes indicates that the client's request was successfully received, understood, and accepted.

3xx: Redirect

The client is informed that another request, typically to a different URI, must be made to complete the operation successfully. Five codes in this class, 301, 302, 303, 305, and 307, relate specifically to redirects.

4xx: Client Error

The 4xx class of codes is intended to indicate errors on the client side.

5xx: Server Error

Response codes starting with "5" indicate cases where the server detects an error or cannot process the request.

This list only includes the status codes commonly used in REST APIs.

The primary methods used in REST APIs are:

  • GET: Retrieves a resource without changing its state.
  • POST: Creates a new resource.
  • PUT: Updates an existing resource or creates one if it does not exist.
  • DELETE: Deletes a resource.

Each operation should have an appropriate HTTP status code to indicate the result. For example, a successful GET request should return ‘200 OK’, a POST request resulting in a new resource might return ‘201 Created’, while a failed request might return ‘400 Bad Request’ or ‘404 Not Found’. Properly using these methods and status codes ensures that your API behaves predictably and provides clear feedback, contributing to a robust and user-friendly API design.

REST API: 15 Best Practices to Create

Following best practices when designing high-level REST APIs ensures consistency, scalability, and maintainability. The following sections outline 15 key best practices, from naming conventions to pagination and filtering implementations.

1. Naming Conventions

To make endpoints readable and intuitive, REST API naming conventions should follow clear and consistent rules:

  • Nouns instead of verbs for endpoints: Represent resources like users, orders, or products with nouns rather than verbs. For example, /users is better than /getUsers or /createUser.
  • Plural resource names: Use plural names for collections. For example, /products instead of /product.
  • Hierarchical structure: Use nested structure when relationships need to be indicated. For example, /users/{userId}/orders indicate that orders belong to a specific user.
  • Lowercase and hyphens: Keep URLs lowercase and use hyphens for readability (For example, /user-profiles). Avoid using underscores, as they can cause problems in some systems.
  • Consistent naming: Consistent naming improves clarity and simplifies client-side integration and onboarding for new developers.
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2. Effective Use of HTTP Methods

HTTP methods (known as verbs) should be used according to their intended purpose and REST principles:

GET: retrieve information about resources. For example, GET /users retrieves a list of users, and GET /users/{id} retrieves data for a specific user.

POST: create a new resource. For example, POST /users creates a new user.

PUT: update an entire resource. For example, PUT /users/{id} replaces the current user data format with new data.

PATCH: update a partial resource. For example, PATCH /users/{id} changes only specific fields without overwriting the entire resource.

DELETE: delete a resource. For example, DELETE /users/{id} deletes a user based on their ID.

Effective use of HTTP methods ensures clear API functionality communication and improves platform interoperability.

3. Versioning Your API

Versioning helps manage updates and feature additions without forcing all users to upgrade to new versions simultaneously. This provides customers with flexibility and prevents issues when migrating between versions. Adding a version number to the URL, such as /v1/users, allows for non-critical changes.

4. Proper Use of HTTP Status Codes

Use standard HTTP status codes to inform clients about the results of their requests. For example:

  • for successful GET requests, use 200 OK,
  • for creating new resources, use 201 Created,
  • for successful DELETE requests, use 204 No Content,
  • for missing resources, use 404 Not Found.

When the correct status codes are used, clients can better process responses, avoid confusion, and handle errors more efficiently. Using the correct code also ensures compatibility with other HTTP-based systems and frameworks.

5. Support for Filtering, Sorting, and Pagination

To make your APIs work effectively, you need to support filtering like /users?status=active, sorting like /users?sort=asc, and pagination like /users?limit=10&offset=20. This makes your REST API development more scalable and flexible while returning only the data format you need, which reduces response times. Providing these features allows clients to fine-tune their requests, which reduces the need for manual data handling. To maintain ease of use, implement these features with clear, consistent query parameters.

6. Using Nested Resources for Relationships

Use nested resources to represent relationships between entities. For example, you can retrieve a user's orders via the URL /users/{userId}/orders. This hierarchy shows the relationships between resources. However, be careful about excessive nesting beyond two levels, as this can lead to complex and hard-to-read URLs. Nesting improves organization and readability by explaining to clients how resources are related while maintaining a clean, intuitive API structure.

7. Providing Meaningful Error Messages

Always provide meaningful and detailed error messages and standard HTTP status codes when returning errors. For example, if a ‘400 Bad Request’ is returned, include an explanation with a phrase like "message": "Invalid email format". This will help customers understand what went wrong and how to fix the problem. Standardizing error formats, such as by using a consistent JSON structure, improves the developer experience and makes troubleshooting easier. Additionally, concise error reports reduce the number of support requests, saving users and developers time.

8. Using JSON as the Default Format

JSON is the most common format for REST APIs because it is lightweight, easy to read, and well-supported by most programming languages. Use JSON for requests and responses unless there is a compelling reason to use another format (such as XML). Using a consistent format ensures compatibility across different platforms and clients. Support content negotiation where necessary so that clients can request alternative formats, but always favor JSON for simplicity and consistency.

9. Securing REST APIs with Authentication and HTTPS

All REST APIs should be secured. To ensure that only authorized users can access specific endpoints, use authentication mechanisms such as OAuth2 or JWT (JSON Web Tokens). Always use the HTTPS protocol to encrypt data in transit and protect it from interception. Security best practices such as rate limiting, request validation, and input sanitization facilitate the prevention of common attacks such as DDoS and SQL injections. Securing REST APIs increases customer trust by ensuring that sensitive data is handled securely and is protected from cyberattacks.

10. Caching for Performance

Caching helps reduce the load on your REST API by storing frequently requested data. To instruct clients or intermediaries (such as a CDN) to cache responses, use HTTP headers such as Cache-Control. For example, you could set Cache-Control: max-age=3600 to cache data for one hour. Good caching practices can significantly improve performance by reducing server load and improving client response times. Ensure your cache settings are well-tuned to balance performance and freshness effectively, especially for high-traffic REST APIs.

11. REST API Documentation

When creating a REST API, document it so that developers can understand how to use it. Tools like Swagger and Postman can help create interactive API documentation that includes endpoint details, parameters, responses, and error codes. Complete documentation allows users to easily integrate with your REST API without requiring ongoing support. It also provides troubleshooting help and serves as a guide to quickly onboard new developers. Clear, concise, and accessible documentation is critical to user satisfaction.

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12. Rate Limiting

When creating a REST API, to protect it from abuse and maintain performance, implement rate limiting. Rate limiting helps reduce the requests a user or application can make in a certain period. For example, you can allow 100 requests per minute per user. Use HTTP headers such as X-Rate-Limit to inform clients of their usage and remaining quota. Rate limiting prevents server overload and ensures fair usage by all clients, protecting your REST API from DDoS attacks and improving overall stability.

13. Supporting Asynchronous Operations

Consider implementing asynchronous endpoints for long-running processes like data processing or file uploads. Instead of making clients wait for a response, return a 202 Accepted status code and a URL where the client can view the status of the operation. This prevents time lags and reduces server load, improving the user experience. Asynchronous operations also provide a smoother and more scalable REST API experience by making it easier to handle background tasks without disrupting the client’s workflow.

14. Idempotency for Safe Methods

Idempotency for safe methods ensures repeated requests yield the same result, no matter how often. Ideally, methods such as GET, PUT, and DELETE should work. For example, even if the resource has already been deleted, calling DELETE /users/{id} should return a consistent result. This is necessary to increase reliability and prevent unwanted results from repeated requests, especially in network problems or retries.

15. Logging and Monitoring REST API Usage

API logging and monitoring are essential to maintaining uptime and performance. Implement logging mechanisms to track all requests and errors, and use tools like Prometheus or Elastic Stack for real-time monitoring. All of this will help you quickly spot and fix issues. Monitoring REST API usage enables you to understand how users interact with your service, optimize performance, and quickly resolve issues before they spread. Logging also helps with security audits by providing a history of REST API activity.


In conclusion, creating a high-quality REST API requires following design standards, security, and performance optimization. Developers can create robust, scalable, and easy-to-maintain APIs by following best practices such as naming conventions, effective HTTP methods, proper error handling, and strong authentication. Implementing asynchronous operation features, versioning, and pagination also ensures flexibility and a smooth user experience. Implementing practices such as logging, monitoring, and thorough documentation will improve the usability and stability of the API. Using these practices will result in a robust API that meets the expectations of both developers and users.